Our personal injury attorney in Osage Beach MO is here to help you seek compensation for injuries you sustain due to someone else's negligence. In an effort to help you understand this aspect of our services a bit better, we have dedicated this week's blog to answering some of the personal injury questions we are commonly asked.
Question #1: My Insurance Company Told Me I Don't Need To Hire An Attorney. Are They Correct?
Answer: Though it is true that some situations may not require an attorney's assistance, you may not want to take your insurance company's opinion at face value. Remember that your insurance company is out to make a profit, so ensuring that you receive the highest possible payout for your case will not be their primary goal. Some insurance companies may try to dissuade you from hiring an attorney so that you will accept a lower settlement.
Question #2: How Can I Know If I Have A Valid Case?
Answer: If you think you will be able to prove that your injuries were caused (or significantly worsened) by someone else's action or inaction, you most likely have the grounds for a valid personal injury case. Our injury attorney in Camden County MO will work with you to determine the best method for moving forward.
Question #3: I Was Injured By A Driver Who Doesn't Have Insurance. How Can I Get Compensation?
Answer: Though American motorists are legally required to purchase insurance policies for the vehicles they drive, an alarming number of motorists do not have adequate insurance coverage. If you are injured by one of these motorists, you should be able to seek compensation from your own insurance company under your uninsured motorist policy. You may also be able to use this policy to seek compensation when the identity of the offending driver is unknown.
Question #4: How Much Is My Case Worth?
Answer: This is typically the most pressing question on the minds of anyone considering a personal injury lawsuit, but unfortunately it is one that is impossible to answer until an attorney has carefully evaluated your situation. Personal injury damages account for multiple things, such as past and future medical bills, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, property damage, and associated pain and suffering. Your settlement will reflect the financial value of these factors.
Question #5: How Much Will It Cost To Hire An Attorney?
Answer: Next to the financial payout they are likely to receive, the cost of an attorney is typically the most important question on the minds of anyone considering pursuing a lawsuit. The answer to this question will vary depending on the attorney you hire. At Gibbons Law Firm, we represent that majority of our personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. That is, we won't charge our clients anything unless we win their case. At that point, our fee will be an affordable percentage of the payout amount.
More Questions About Personal Injury? Contact Gibbons Law Firm.
If you have been injured at the hands of another, our personal injury attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks will be here to defend your rights and fight for you to receive the best settlement possible. For more information about our personal injury services, visit our website.
Your Trusted Legal Resource
Gibbons Law Firm
4075 Osage Beach Parkway, Suite 300
Osage Beach, MO 65065
No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.