Child Custody Tips for The Holiday Season
Share the holiday with your ex.
Do yourself a favor and make planning these holiday parties about your kids. If your kids want to see both of their parents this holiday season and your ex wants to see them too, then just plan two for Christmas, one with you and one with your ex. You can do a Christmas brunch with your kids and allow your ex to have Christmas dinner with them or vice versa.
Get your holiday event priorities in order.
Know ahead of time before you talk to your ex, what events are a MUST-ATTEND with your children. For example, if you have an event such as an annual party your kids attend in the neighborhood you currently live in, mention that before you start to schedule out a holiday week with your ex.
Know yourself and how to control emotional reactions properly.
If you know your ex will likely text you about the holiday plans in a negative way and that it's going to trigger you to react dramatically - make a rule for yourself, something like, no responding right away and that you must take at least three hours to calm yourself before you communicate back in a respectful way. Just because your ex is being disrespectful, doesn't mean you have to be. Set a good example for your kids and take the high road.
Talk to your children.
If your children are old enough to think for themselves and have an opinion on what Christmas should like for them, get their take on it. They may even have valuable insight that can help make your planning process easier.
Get an experienced child custody attorney in Mid-MO involved if needed.
If all else fails after trying to communicate with your ex fairly and settle all issues yourself, call an experienced attorney for advice and the legal help you deserve.
Happy Holidays From Gibbons Law Firm!
No one wants to have trouble with their child custody agreement around the holidays. The legal aspects of child custody can be highly complex and highly sensitive and emotional because of the personal nature of the disputes. An experienced and knowledgeable attorney has the ability to:- Listen and counsel clients
- Investigate and negotiate cases
- Defuse conflict
..and when needed can litigate a case. It is important to the successful outcome of a family law case, to have an experienced attorney on your side you can trust. Give us a call today for your free consultation.
Remember, your initial consultation with Gibbons Law Firm is always free.

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Gibbons Law Firm
2820 Bagnell Dam Blvd, Suite B4
Lake Ozark, MO 65049