Items To Keep Out Of Your Will
You can't leave money to your pets.
Many people consider their pets their family. That's completely understandable. While you can't legally leave money to your pets, you CAN name someone to care for your pets upon your passing and leave the money to them to use on your pets.
You can't leave retirement money in your will.
The funds you save in your retirement accounts, such as your IRA or 401K, must go to the designated beneficiary. Therefore, you can't try and split the funds between the beneficiary and someone else in your will.
You can't leave money for illegal reasons.
For example, if you're only leaving your cousin money with the condition that they must use it to buy drugs for themself, that can't be done.
Don't put funeral instructions in your will.
Upon your death, your family is likely going through all kinds of grief and thinking to look in your will for funeral instructions is probably the last thing on their minds. Make it known before you pass away, if possible, where you are leaving your funeral instructions and do so in a safe place, such as a home vault or a safe deposit box. Proper organization can help your loved ones in this time of great tragedy.
If you have a disabled loved one that you care for, don't arrange for someone to care for them in your will.
There are right ways of leaving care for a disabled person upon your passing and a will is not the correct place to do that. Ask your estate planning attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks about trusts or other options that may be more appropriate.
Estate Planning Lawyers at the Lake of the Ozarks
All of us here at Gibbons Law Firm hope you are as safe as you can be during this insane time in history. Take the proper precautions and protect yourself and your family. We are available via phone calls if you have any questions related to legal matters. If you would like to get your estate plan put together or if you just have questions about your current estate plan, please do not hesitate to give us a call. Gibbons Law Firm can be reached at (573) 348-2211. Follow us on our social media channels listed below to stay up to date on all of our latest announcements. Stay safe everyone!
Remember, your initial consultation with Gibbons Law Firm is always free.

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Gibbons Law Firm
2820 Bagnell Dam Blvd, Suite B4
Lake Ozark, MO 65049