Educate Yourself
The first step to a successful adoption is to educate yourself about the process. There are a number of adoption resources available to help with this process. Your trusted adoption attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks is a great source of information about your unique adoption process. Don't be scared to ask questions and learn all you can about the process you are starting.Choose an Agency
An agency helps to place children in their new homes. It's important to seek information from various agencies to decide which one will work best for you and your family. Also, know what legal coverage the agency you select will take care of and what you will need to hire an attorney to complete.Conduct a Homestudy
A homestudy will be performed by a representative from the agency you select. This is an ongoing relationship to help prepare yourself for the rest of the adoption process and parenting. Ensuring your family and home are ready for a child is the point of this step of adopting.Start the Search
Once you have completed the homestudy process, it's time to search for your new child. Your agency will help find a child who needs a home that fits your requirements. This part of the process may take a bit of time, so be patient! Once a child has been selected, you and other potential parents may all be considered. The child's social worker will decide which family is the best fit for the child.
Meet a Child
Once you have been selected, you will get to meet the child. Several meetings may be set up before the process is finalized. Take advantage of this opportunity to get to know said child and learn how he or she will fit into your family.Receive Placement
Once placement has been processed, the child will come live with you in your home. The child's social worker will still be involved in the process. They will make frequent visits to your home and have various meetings with the child. During this time, you can file an intent to legally adopt your child.Finalize the Adoption
A judge will be able to legally finalize your child's adoption. At this point, you are the legal guardian of the child. You will receive the legal paperwork showing you as the parents to your child when the adoption is finalized.Live With Your New Family
Once the legal steps have been taken, the work does not end. Adoption is an ongoing educational process. You can continue to learn about parenting your adoptive child. Take this time to enjoy your hard work and spend time with your new family!Now that you've learned the legal steps to adopt a child, you are ready to start working toward your goal. When it comes to legally adopting a kid, contact our Lake of the Ozarks adoption attorney today. We can help you work through the hectic legal side of your upcoming adoption. Give Gibbons Law Firm a call to schedule your FREE initial consultation.
Remember, your initial consultation with Gibbons Law Firm is always free.
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Gibbons Law Firm
2820 Bagnell Dam Blvd, Suite B4
Lake Ozark, MO 65049
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