Thursday, May 10, 2018

Safety Tips for Motorcycle Awareness Months

May is Motorcycle Awareness Month. With the beautiful spring weather we are experiencing, you may notice an increase of bikers on the roadways. With more and more motorcyclists out and about, there is a higher risk of an accident involving a bike. Our Lake of the Ozarks law firm knows how important it is to remain safe on the roadway when motorcyclists are around. Below you can find some helpful motorcycle safety tips for both the rider and driver!

For the Rider:

Follow Traffic Laws - Pay attention to traffic laws that apply to all vehicles - motorcycles included. Stay within the speed limit and come to a complete stop at all intersections. Also, research local traffic laws before traveling out of the state.

Wear the Right Gear - Protective clothing is important for all rides. It's a state law to wear a helmet in the state of Missouri. Sunglasses or other eyewear can help you see better, as well. Leather clothing can protect your skin from the harsh wind and other factors. Consider buying clothing with extra reflective features to help increase visibility to other drivers.

Complete a Training Program - An educational course is readily available for motorcycle riders. It's important to be comfortable on your bike and know how to properly operate the vehicle. Sharpen your techniques and practice driving your motorcycle.

Stay Alert - Like any motor vehicle, it's important to stay awake and drive sober. You want to ensure your reaction time is as sort as possible when riding your bike. Alcohol or being tired can damper your ability to react to a situation on the road. Ensure you are in a safe condition to properly operate your bike.

Practice Defensive Driving - When on a motorcycle you may be harder to see than a full-sized vehicle. Don't ever assume another driver can see you. Stay on the defense when riding your bike. Think about the blind spot on vehicles as you are passing or pulling out.

For Other Drivers:

Pay Attention when Driving - Especially during the warmer months, keep your eyes on the lookout for motorcycles on the roadway. It's important to keep tabs on all vehicles around you on the road. Keep your full attention on driving and avoid distractions that may take your eyes and mind away from the road.

Look Twice - Before pulling out or switching lanes, take a double check of the vehicles on the road. Ensure no other vehicle is in your blind spot before making a move.

Think About Stopping Distance - While stopping distance for motorcycles is typically the same as full-sized vehicles, the road conditions may make it harder for a bike to come to a quick stop. Debris on the road and rain can put a damper on the stopping time of a motorcycle.

Now that you know some of these safety tips for motorcycle safety awareness, you're ready to help create a safer environment on the roadways. If you are involved in an accident with a motorcycle, be sure to contact our lawyer at the Lake of the Ozarks. Remember, your first consultation with Gibbons Law Firm is always free. We look forward to representing your personal injury case at the Lake of the Ozarks.

Remember, your initial consultation with Gibbons Law Firm is always free.

Your Trusted Legal Resource

Gibbons Law Firm
2820 Bagnell Dam Blvd, Suite B4
Lake Ozark, MO 65049
(573) 348-2211

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