Here are a few of the most common accidents that happen during holiday weekends, as well as some safety tips to help you avoid personal injury cases for Labor Day Weekend.
Four Most Common Accidents on Labor Day Weekend
1. Traffic Accidents
Auto accidents can be even more prevalent during holiday weekends when there is a higher percentage of traffic. You can’t avoid all car accidents, that’s why they are called “accidents,” but there are a few things you can to do help decrease your chances.- Get plenty of rest the night before driving.
- Provide plenty of time before leaving to come to the Lake.
- Avoid driving between midnight and 3:00 am and be cautious on rural roads.
- Drive sober and slow down.
- Avoid distractions.
- Be sure your vehicle is in top shape.
2. Boating Accidents
Boating accidents at the Lake of the Ozarks are a serious personal injury lawsuit. If you will be lounging on the water for Labor Day weekend, make sure the necessary safety precautions are being performed.- Know the law and be sure that you meet all the safety rules.
- Always check your boat before heading out to make sure that it’s safe.
- Get educated through the boating certification course online.
It’s incredibly important to make sure that you are practicing safe boating habits while visiting for the weekend. Avoid drinking too much while operating the boat, and be sure that everyone has a life jacket. Also, watch your surroundings closely. Just as when driving a car, taking your boat out can involve some waterway hazards. Observe the no and slow wake zones, and watch for people in the water. We have also had some rain recently, which can stir up debris, so always watch for anything floating on the surface.
Burn Accidents
It’s time to pull out the fireworks and crank up the grill - but did you know that burns can be a huge liability issue during the holiday weekends? Be sure to do your research and follow the safety tips and procedures for the safe use of fireworks on the National Council on Fireworks Safety’s website. Be sure that you also know where you are permitted to use fireworks, as many city limits do not permit personal firework displays.Grilling can also pose a unique danger during the holiday weekends. Be sure to check the major connection points between the gas tank hose and the regulator and cylinder where the hose connects. You can also check the gas tank hose for potential leaks. An issue with the grill could fall under product liability, so if you find that the manufacturer was negligent in the design of the product, this can be a whole other issue.
Swimming Accidents
Swimming accidents can happen in a pool or lake, and you need to be careful when swimming. Watch young children, and never swim after consuming alcohol. Also, be aware of swimming near docks, and educate yourself on how to react if electrical currents are in the water.Happy Labor Day Weekend from Gibbons Law Firm
We hope that everyone has a safe and enjoyable Labor Day Weekend. Unfortunately, accidents happen, and when they do, your personal injury lawyer at the Lake of the Ozarks is ready to assist. Visit our website to learn more about how we handle these cases and give us a call if you need to schedule a FREE consultation.Remember, your initial consultation with Gibbons Law Firm is always free.
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Gibbons Law Firm
2820 Bagnell Dam Blvd, Suite B4
Lake Ozark, MO 65049