There are a lot of sacrifices you might be willing to make for your spouse, but you might feel very differently if you were not together. For example, if you get married and your spouse has a lot of debt, you may find yourself paying off their debt even if you are no longer together. That is just one example of a reason why people might be interested in prenuptial agreements before they get married. Unfortunately, about half of all marriages do end in divorce. A couple is more likely to arrive at a mutually agreeable plan, or a healthier perspective on what is fair when the two are still getting along with each other. To think that they will arrive at a better decision once their thoughts are clouded with anger, could be unrealistic. Of course, no one gets married with the idea of getting divorced, but there are times when it makes sense to have prenuptial in place before getting married. If you’d like to hear 3 specific examples of when that might make sense, just read on.
1) Debt or Income Differences
If there is a huge difference in the amount of debt, or the average income that two people bring into the marriage, it may make sense to have prenuptials drawn up. Again, you may be willing to help your spouse pay off a huge amount of debt if you were married, but to think about paying that debt off for someone who’s no longer with you, that’s a different story. If you make considerably more money than your spouse-to-be, you might want to have a prenuptial to avoid having to share a large amount of that income with an ex, should the unthinkable happen to your relationship.
2) Owning Your Own Business
When you put your blood sweat and tears into building up your business, your clientele and your reputation, you may be very willing to share all the benefits from that business with your spouse. But if you were to split up, it would be devastating for everything you worked for to be taken or to have to sell it in order to buy out your ex. If you are a business owner, we would be happy to sit down with you to discuss how a prenuptial could protect your livelihood in the event of a divorce.
3) Kids from a Previous Relationship
One of the biggest reasons to have prenuptials is if you have kids from a previous relationship. Obviously, there are sentimental items and things your kids will inherit that will have no value to your new spouse’s family. Prenuptials can outline that those family heirlooms, photographs, etc. stay within the family they originated. Prenuptials can also be comforting for kids on both side of the family knowing that their interests are being looked at and protected as you make this decision to get married.
Get the Information You Need to Make an Informed Decision
While it may be uncomfortable to talk about prenuptials, the situation you could find yourself in if you don’t have them can be much more uncomfortable. At Gibbons Law Firm, we understand you may have questions, and we offer free initial consultations so you can know where you stand and have the details to decide whether or not a prenuptial is a good fit for you. Our family law attorneys in Lake Ozark have the experience and compassion to help you through the entire process. Just give our lawyers in Lake Ozark a call to schedule your free consultation about prenuptial agreements in mid-Missouri. If you’d like to hear more helpful legal information from time to time, we invite you to follower us on our social media channels. Just use the links below to select the platform of choice.
Remember, your initial consultation with Gibbons Law Firm is always free.
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